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Online Competition
22 teams
Map: Erangel(1st round) , Miramar(2nd round) , Erangel(3rd round)
TPP Mode: Round 1 & 2; FPP Mode: Round 3
The 3 teams with highest scores in each group of 22 teams will be selected to play in the Finals
Tournament starts at 1900hrs and ends at 2200hrs every Monday
21 teams
Map: Erangel(1st round) , Miramar(2nd round) , Erangel(3rd round)
TPP Mode: Round 1 & 2; FPP Mode: Round 3
Teams can accumulate points through securing kills & placements. The 3 teams with highest scores will be selected as 1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place winners with regards to their points.
Competition rules:
1. Not limited to any items and characters.
2. No profanities in any matter such as your names and while chatting. If caught doing so, the decision made will be at the discretion of the administrators.
3. Strictly only mobile phones allowed when competing and no using of third-party program such as emulator to play on PC when competing in this tournament. Players who are caught will be immediately disqualified and banned from eArena.
4. Participants are not allowed to stream or live broadcast via any channels. If caught doing so, the decision will be at the discretion of the administrators. (Your scores may be voided and/or you may be dismissed from the tournament)
5. Participants are not allowed to use bugs and glitches in the game to their advantages. If caught doing so, the decision will be at the discretion of the administrators. (Your scores may be voided and/or you may be dismissed from the tournament)
6. Participants are not allowed to change their team/player names after 1200hrs on the qualifying round day (Tuesday) and until the end of the tournament. To prevent errors in the scores, our eArena team has to spend time to prepare the information and artwork. Hence, changing of team name will alter the score table and may result in incorrect scores.